Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin - October Noreaster

The National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting heavy rain during the first week of October for the State of Maryland.

Some areas in Maryland could receive 5 to 10 inches of total precipitation, which could produce flooding of rivers, streams, ponds, and low-lying areas, according to the agency.

The Hogan administration has asked State agencies, including the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), to make preparations for the incoming storms.

MEMA is recommending that residents take the following actions:

Clean storm drains and gutters on your house to prevent overflow and water buildup.

Don’t wait. Communicate. Know how to get in contact with your friends and family during any emergency.

Fuel up your automobile before any storm.

If you have a basement in your house, shelve household items and make sure any electronic equipment is not lying directly on the floor.

Check to see if you live or work in a flood prone area:

Listen to instructions from local officials and know the current forecast by following your local emergency management office, forecasters, and news stations.

In addition to rainfall associated with a noreaster, MEMA is also monitoring Hurricane Joaquin which could bring additional rain and wind.

source: Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)

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